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Use expert reviews or testimonials as social proof to help guide your users purchasing decisions

ab test idea - using testimonials and reviews as social proof

Displaying expert reviews or testimonials is an effective way of endorsing your products. The positive feedback and opinions of customer’s peers is incredibly important as we often rely on this “social proof” in order to make decisions.

When you display reviews or testimonials from experts or influencers, it’s a great signal for endorsing your products. By displaying this social proof, you’re letting your potential customers know that they can trust that your product or service can solve the problem that your customer’s are looking to solve.

Why we think this is a Good A/B Test:

When we see endorsements or recommendations from someone who we know to be influential or an expert in a subject area, we tend to give their opinion more weight to help guide us to a decision, which will increase the likelihood of people purchasing what you have to offer.