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How Unbounce A/B Tested asking for a tweet vs an email address

On landing pages, marketers usually ask for an email in exchange for access to a premium piece of content.

In this example, Unbounce decided to go in a different direction and tested the idea of whether their audience were more inclined to give their email address versus tweeting about their product to get access.

While there are pros and cons, asking for the email address obviously helps you build your list, whereas asking for a tweet, can help gain you free marketing and gain more awareness of what you’re offering.

The experiment

The first landing page in this A/B test asked users to give their email address in exchange for an ebook.
The second landing page asked for a tweet.

The result:

In the end, Unbounce learned that their audience preferred giving their email vs tweeting about the landing page, with the email landing page having a 24% increase in conversions.